About Us

If you are a Tairawhiti male who has suffered sexual abuse. You are not alone. It is believed that one in six males in Aotearoa have experienced sexual violence as young men.

You have chosen the right place to begin your recovery journey. We can help you reclaim the life that was stolen from you.

We are here to walk with you... moving towards a better future.

We work with male survivors and their family/whanau to help them build happier and healthier lives.

We offer support services that are founded on mutual trust and respect, are non-judgmental, focused on hope and recovery.

We believe that all survivors are entitled to make their own decisions and choose their own recovery pathway. We are here to support that choice.

Male Survivors Tairawhiti is a registered charitable trust established to support male survivors of sexual violence to move towards recovery

We are a member organisation of Male Survivors Aotearoa and part of an active nationwide network of service centres that currently support more than 1,500 male survivors across Aotearoa

As a new service in Tairawhiti we are committed to connecting with other organisations who work within the sexual violence sector and finding ways to work together for the benefit of the Tairawhiti male survivor community.