
“Community is first of all a quality of the heart. It grows from the spiritual knowledge that we are alive not for ourselves but for one another”

– Henry Nouwen

Consequences of violent assaults for young victims and their parents

Falling victim to crime is a frightening event, with serious negative consequences for victims’ health, labour market participation, and human capital accumulation. Most existing studies on the impacts of victimisation focus on adult victims, but the group most likely to experience…

Te Ao Marama – Best Practice Framework

Te Ao Marama – developed over several years, these new best practice guidelines are judicial-led District Court initiative (applies to Family Court and Youth Justice, not High Court). It wants courts to be adopting solution-focused, therapeutic approaches through which participants…

Marist ‘monster’ jailed – at 82 years old

Almost 50 years after the horrific offending which ruined the lives of two of his former pupils, ex-teacher and former Marist religious brother Charles Afeaki on Wednesday night began a jail term for those crimes. Afeaki, now 82 years old,…

Senior public servants on notice over abuse in care failings

Some senior public servants implicated in the state abuse cover-up remain in positions of power – including Solicitor-General Una Jagose and Education Secretary Iona Holsted. Now the minister leading the Government’s response to the watershed report has put officials on…