News & Events

"Community is first of all a quality of the heart. It grows from the spiritual knowledge that we are alive not for ourselves but for one another"
- Henry Nouwen

ACC to spend $44.9 million on sexual violence prevention

ACC is spending nearly 45 million dollars on a bid to prevent sexual violence, including $11.7 million for kaupapa Māori approaches. Over the next four years it aimed to tackle the underlying causes of sexual violence and to do work…

From The Chairmans Desk – September 2021

We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked, and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty Mother Teresa…

Tairawhiti stories for Tairawhiti tane

RESEARCHERS say there is a need for a national website where male survivors of sexual abuse, their whanau and friends can tap into information, services and self-help resources . . . and that is where Male Survivors Aotearoa can help.…

Addressing trauma ‘not an overnight fix’

While it is connected to a men’s centre set up to confront whanau violence, the new Te Hokai: Male Survivors Tairawhiti service is for victims, not perpetrators, of abuse. IT was the events in Gisborne of late 2006 that were…

Te Hokai a step on the journey to healing

A Gisborne support service for male survivors of sexual abuse is run by men, for men, with a particular focus on te tane Tairawhiti. A GISBORNE support service for male survivors of sexual abuse is overseen by Tauawhi Trust, a…

Te Hokai image illustrates journey of learning

WHEN thinking about creating a name for Te Hokai: Male Survivors Tairawhiti, artist Nick Tupara sat on the riverbank in Turanga – where the three rivers meet – to reflect on what that might look like. Talking at Te Hokai’s…

Te Hokai helps men reclaim stolen mana

A Gisborne support service for male survivors of sexual abuse is run by men, for men, with a particular focus on te tane Tairawhiti. “YOU’RE weak.” “You let him.” “You’re gay.” “You were asking for it.” These falsehoods often run…