News & Events

"Community is first of all a quality of the heart. It grows from the spiritual knowledge that we are alive not for ourselves but for one another"

- Henry Nouwen

Supporting young men who are affected by suicide

People cope with grief in different ways, and the same holds true following a suicide. Many people will experience a broad range of emotions including, anger, hurt and sadness. Although each person experiences grief in their own way, some common…

A Safe Place

A SPACE for male survivors of sexual violence has opened up in the heart of Tairawhiti. The official launch of Te Hokai Male Survivors Tairawhiti was held at 73 Peel Street where Tauawhi Men’s Centre co-ordinator Tim Marshall, former Male…

Is peer support effective?

Studies on the use of peers in the mental health field have demonstrated that peer staff have an ability to reach people who have been otherwise seen as difficult to engage. In research conducted by PRCH, peer interventions have been…

Saying sorry not enough

A day late and a dollar short. That was the phrase used by Dr Tom Doyle, a non-practising Catholic priest to describe the church’s apology, at the Royal Commission into Abuse in Care last month, to those damaged by clergy…