News & Events

"Community is first of all a quality of the heart. It grows from the spiritual knowledge that we are alive not for ourselves but for one another"
- Henry Nouwen

The impacts of child sexual abuse: A rapid evidence assessment

Research reviewed as part of a rapid evidence assessment shows that being a victim and survivor of CSA is associated with an increased risk of adverse outcomes in all areas of victims and survivors’ lives. Additionally, long-term longitudinal research suggests…

My Journey to Loving Myself Following Sexual Abuse

Sam Thinks details their journey to self-love following sexual abuse during childhood. They share what they have learnt during the last ten years of therapy, which first involved dismantling their self-loathing inner voice, dubbed the ‘beast’. Published on PsychCentral Sam…

Defending state abuse: Follow the money

The cost to the Crown of fighting claims by victims of abuse in state care is finally revealed before a Royal Commission. Aaron Smale calculates where most of the money went. Published on Newsroom Aaron Smale had been told by…

Abuse, torture and a deep state campaign of denial

It is well established that children were physically and sexually abused in state care in New Zealand over many decades. But what has always been carefully hidden is the subsequent role of the Crown in deliberately, actively suppressing and stifling…