News & Events

"Community is first of all a quality of the heart. It grows from the spiritual knowledge that we are alive not for ourselves but for one another"
- Henry Nouwen

‘It can happen to any male’

MANY Kiwi males never talk about the sexual abuse they have suffered and there are many reasons for that, says Wellington male sexual abuse agency Mosaic-Tiaki Tangata. It might be the depth of their trauma, or it might be because…

Te Hokai aims to reduce barriers to support

SO many men say that in carrying their trauma, they feel absolutely alone, so they need to be in a space where they feel change is possible,” Tim Marshall , trustee of the Tauawhi Trust that oversees Tairawhiti’s Te Hokai…

Research explores what men need for recovery

WHAT do we know about effective recovery services for men who have been sexually abused? was the big question posed by the writers of a 2019 report. The answer was “not much”, but the authors of the report hoped that…

Survivors rejected: advocate

Southern survivors of sexual abuse are being turned away for important support at an alarming rate, leaving them devastated and re-traumatised, an advocate claims. The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) has come under fire for disestablishing its Wellington-based sensitive claims unit,…

New shelter for men escaping DV opens in QLD

Sheltered By Grace is a non-government funded Charity which is an accredited, level 3 Support Accommodation service based in South East Queensland that houses Single Men over the age of 25 escaping Domestic Violence. A brochure is available at…